2 research outputs found

    Cooperative Processing: An Agenda for Research

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    The purpose of this paper is to explore the potential research agenda for Cooperative Processing (COP). COP is a method of processing in which communications is an integral part of the process of executing an application. Numerous innovative products that support COP are starting to appear on the market. However, as is usually the case with any new technology, many organizations have not yet implemented COP. They have embraced a wait and see attitude. Such a stance can be attributed to the newness of the applications operating in COP mode and to the lack of data demonstrating COP\u27S uses and benefits. For example, no data, at present, demonstrates basic COP efficacy. Among many possible research areas this paper suggests topics such as: potential COP users, types of applications benefiting from the COP processing mode, and organizational and technological factors involved in COP implementation

    Visual Process Language: An Environment That Enhances Inventiveness in the System Development Process -- a Theoretical Perspective

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    This paper provides a theoretical perspective on the effect of computer support on creativity. The assertion is made that artifacts of IS do not substantially differ from those of art and science, and that the creative processes leading to the artifacts are similar. It further proposes that the use of newly available computer technology, specifically, the Visual Process Language (VPL) will have much to offer in terms of augmenting creativity when constructing IS artfacts. We postulate that VPL assists the first insight, preparation and illumination steps of the creative process, and that both Association/Images and Progressive Abstraction techniques are embedded in VPL